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Artist Name

Adrienn Krahl

Born: 1983

Hometown: Budapest

Based in: Taipei, Taiwan

Adrienn Krahl’s paintings express a profound sense of drama and emotional weight. Krahl works in a range of mediums, including acrylics, charcoal and ink, blending painterly spontaneity with an architectural approach to structure. The mastery with which she allows each medium to express its unique properties creates the impression of different psychological forces at work within the composition. Though her compositions are completely abstract, the complex, angst- filled tangles of lines, color fields and forms suggest a story is being told. Careful attention to detail yields to an embrace of chaos as different mediums advance and recede, paint casually

drips across the surface, and asymmetry gives way to balance. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Krahl studied Art and Design History in London, and currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan.


Collections Featuring Adrienn Krahl

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Articles Featuring Adrienn Krahl

3 Articles