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Artist Name

Alec Franco

Born: 1972

Hometown: Buenos Aires

Based in: Buenos Aires

The artist's works are based on time and on informal aesthetic principles that he chooses to express himself. It is through the presence of color, combined with an abstraction sometimes with tints. Expressionists and many other surrealists, where the work expands in formats and supports (acrylics, oils, pastels, charcoal, asphalt paint, synthetic enamel, on canvas, paper, wood, and steel) that transit and overlap crushing apparent figures on heterogeneous backgrounds.

The work resists being framed in concepts, it goes beyond the contours and limits of the rational. It is not just a festival of colors, but a mixture and profusion of organic forms with a geometry that is not perceptible. The work generates a sensation of fluidity, of fluids, of movement. the sensation of being in a cellular space, inhabited by atoms and particles, which are in constant motion. This suggests a body space within the body. Some microorganisms and microscopic systems. It generates a sensation of Macrocosm and microcosm. Where the artist asks: are we one or are we all? Are we something unique, or individual, or are we all interconnected or interdependent? How is it that such a small universe in turn reproduces itself in everyone, thus becoming an immense massive universe? How can I understand the movement from the smallest universe to the largest universe? What makes that happen?


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