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Artist Name

Alev Akın

Hometown: Izmir

Based in: Izmir

I was born in Izmir/Turkey. I was awarded with prizes in province-wide, city-wide, country-wide and international competitions on painting. During my school years I was awarded 1st place for 5 times and 2nd place for once Turkey-wide. In addition to painting, I have started practicing marbling, illumination and miniature Turkish Decorative Arts. I graduated from Philosophy department of Ege University. I wrote my dissertation on Philosophy of Art. Several art pieces of mine was exhibited in mixed exhibitions in Izmir. I made marbling presentations to various groups. My marbling work was selected for 4th World Marbling Day 2015, Yalova Event and I was award with a plaque. I took part in the 2015 SESAN Free Artist Catalog with my painting work. In 2016, the Guinness Marbling Art Record was broken with marbled fabrics, which my marbling was organized by the marbling artists in Prague with dimensions of 40,8 m x 2,08 m = 84,864 m². One of my marbling work was selected by 3th International Turkish Culture and Arts Presantation Workshop 2016 and it was exhibited in "Anatolian Breezes 2" exhibition in USA. My personal original marbling exhibition opened in 2017 Izmir Painting and Sculpture Museum. I participated in the 4th International Izmir Biennial of Arts with my painting work in 2017. I was invited to the 2nd International Friouato/Morocco Art Biennial with my marblings in 2017. I got a Hero Award in this biennial. 2018 I was honored at the Masters of Classes Exhibition in Morocco. My works were exhibited in Varna, Tokyo, Tbilisi, Dubai, Paris, Istanbul, Izmir and Chios. . I and African artist Isham Delberg started to a new art project “Memories” in Izmir. I am studying photography and camera at university. Currently I am continuing my work and also teaching in my own workshop Ütopya Science/Art Consultancy.
My works of art carry not only meanings of current time but meanings of my whole life until creation of the work. Creation is merely a necessity for me, I exist with what I create. I wish that people who sees my art, may feel a trace, an emotion, a moment of their own lives. Presented to your spectating and dreams with enthusiasm.


Collections Featuring Alev Akın

1 Collection

Spooky Artworks for Halloween 2022

Spooky Artworks for Halloween 2022

27 Artists, 34 Products

Last updated: October 27, 2022

Articles Featuring Alev Akın

1 Article



Premio Biennale di Venezia


Friouato Biennial- Hero Award