I'm a landscape photographer and an environmentalist. In my last 18 years of life, I worked on a project called "THE PASSION OF TREES". I gave a Ted talk and published a book with the same title in the UK. High quality limited edition photographic prints, with a broad base of high end art collectors and galleries worldwide.
“To me, each tree, like a human being, has a tale to tell,” When a tree dies, a whole story is interrupted, a destiny is altered for the worse. I feel as if the trees, bundled at the back of trucks, are cursing us with their broken hands, wounded faces, and severed roots.
know I can’t save our trees with my photographs, I can’t restore Nature to her imperious verdure, yet I try to capture the lonesomeness and exile of the trees and encourage the viewers to look at nature with a different gaze, to remember that in the absence of trees the birds are homeless and there’s no air to breathe.
Describe your creative process.
To me, each tree, like a human-being, has a tale to tell. When a tree dies, a whole story is interrupted, a destiny is altered for the worse. I feel as if the trees, bundled at the back of trucks, are cursing us with their broken hands, wounded faces, and severed roots. Perhaps this is how we are led towards damnation, little by little stripped of our humanity, when man’s “abounding foliage moistened with the dew” is reduced to ash and smoke.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
if there are no trees humanity has already vanished...
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Ansel adams
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
Photo camera
Where do you go for inspiration?
I go to forest in the autumn and winter foggy weather)