Amrit Mohan
Hometown: New delhi
Based in: India
Amrit Mohan, or TheMocaineMan as he is known as, is an artist in every sense of the word. He uses more than colours to paint a picture—Mohan is also a creator of musical scenarios. A budding musician and a natural storyteller, color blindness was also inborn to him. Until the age of 22, his palette was strictly limited but this did not limit imagination. On the contrary, he allowed his creative expression to manifest in various forms— art, music and literature. He started reading classical and otherwise abstruse texts of literature and philosophy at a young age, even learned German to better understand the work of Continental philosophers such as Nietzsche. One would think that artists must have faired well at art subjects in school, but Mohan was far from the top student. On the contrary, after a tiff with his art teacher regarding his unusual use of colour schemes, he retreated from classroom learning, and hence, is largely self-taught. Little did anyone know at the time, that it was not his inner child acting out in defiance, rather an instance of his color blindness at play. Fortunately, this did not dissuade him from pursuing art further.
His work exposes one to the inner workings of the human mind. This extends beyond the creation of the artwork, and into the realm of the viewer of it. Mohan paints exclusively in an abstract manner so that the viewer is able to empathise with his portrayal of the ephemerality of sentiments. In subjecting the viewer to basal human emotions, his work makes a subject out of every viewer. Each person is welcome to make his art their own, the meaning is not merely created, it is shared and continually transmogrified. In Mohan’s own interpretation, art, just like music, is his preferred way of communicating with the world, if nothing else. One may wonder day in and day out about the purpose of creation but to him, creating art attributes to nothing in particular, unless each person magnifies it of their own purview.
He uses more than colours to paint a picture—Mohan is also a creator of musical scenarios. Check out this video of the band’s latest song Lonely Maggot, as an overture to his pursuit of art as we know it.
A budding musician and a natural storyteller, colourblindness was also inborn to him. Until the age of 22, his palette was strictly limited but this did not limit imagination. On the contrary, he allowed his creative expression to manifest in various forms— art, music and literature. His work exposes one to the inner workings of the human mind. This extends beyond the creation of the artwork, and into the realm of the viewer of it.
Mohan paints exclusively in an abstract manner so that the viewer is able to empathise with his portrayal of the ephemerality of sentiments. In subjecting the viewer to basal human emotions, his work makes a subject out of every viewer. Each person is welcome to make his art their own, the meaning is not merely created, it is shared and continually transmogrified.
In Mohan’s own interpretation, art is his preferred way of communicating with the world, if nothing else. One may wonder day in and day out about the purpose of creation but to him, creating art attributes to nothing in particular, unless each person magnifies it of their own purview. This is evidenced in one of his works presented here called All For Shame, which is a beguiling exposition of all artistic endeavours.
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