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Born: 1990

Hometown: Bandung

Based in: Bandung

In his early years as an art student, there were developments of decorative and figurative drawing, shifting between pop art and bizarre illustration often taking inspiration from collage or dada. Since then his works changed into more automatic drawing/painting approach with various abstract shapes. During that time after many experiments, his curiosity towards abstract expressionism made him focus more on painting.

Aver's interest in painting was to build viewpoints of nature and human living. To portray how emotion of things looks like using various brush technique, white space reduction, and combination of subtle or trembling line strokes.


Averroes In The Studio

An artist born on September 26, 1990, Averroes is active in artscene and has worked on many two-dimensional works such as paintings, graphic prints, drawings, and collages—often combining all of these elements into compositions with strong formal elements. Averroes' works are generally abstract and often adapt images from the mass media.

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More About Averroes

Question IconWhat inspires you?

rhythm, balance, expression, color, movement

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

expressive, freedom

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Hanafi, Ay Tjoe Christine, Clyfford Still

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?




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#GrabTheArtCar Brightspot Market

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How To Draw. Drawing Festival

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Menghajat Seni. Pemuda Setempat

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