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Hometown: Paris

Based in: Paris

Celine_A is a French visual artist, living in Paris. She examines the existence of being and its resonance in the world. Celine_A questions what binds us and not what opposes us, making visible this invisible link that binds us to the world. From the encounter with plant matter springs the gesture. In her works she continues to put raw materials into abyss. By giving nature the status of a work of art, the artist ultimately questions the nature / culture frontier. If nature is the inspiration, the subject, and the material of creations, it is not a representation. At the heart of the artistic explorations is the memory of an experience through the transmission and opening of a path to the spectator, whom Celine_A invites to project their own memories.


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Celine_A In The Studio

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More About Celine_A

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Our relationship with elements of nature (plants, minerals)

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I have developped a partnership with flower farms around my studio neighbourhood where I collect their waste and unsold stocks (flowers, leaves, branches...). Each plant inspires my creative process through paintings, compositions and installations.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Sensitive and poetic.

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Alexander Hollan, Marinette Cueco

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

In mountains, seasides, forests...