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Artist Name

Cheng Ran

Born: 1981

Hometown: China

Based in: Hangzhou

Rijksakademie scholarship holder Cheng Ran has filtered his artistic practice through the media of photography and video installation. His video works and multi-channel installations create a cinematic effect. He does not use a specific concept as the starting point for his videos, working without a confirmed script or shooting schedule. Relying on inspiration, Cheng Ran tries to make his work as spontaneous as possible. Cheng Ran excels at moving between various visual languages, presenting interior worlds in his uniquely poetic way. He even wrote a novel: Circadian Rhythm tells the story of a detective who slowly begins to question his own identity, after encountering obstacle after obstacle while trying to seek the truth behind a vicious crime. Woven into the narration are opera lyrics, poems, endless soliloquies, depictions of dreamscapes and motifs, and quotes from Cheng Ran’s earlier video works.


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