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Cynthia Gregorová

Born: 1991

Hometown: Bratislava

Based in: Bratilsava, Slovakia

Cynthia Gregorová is a graduate of University od arts in Bratislava, Slovakia and although she studied printmaking, she is particularly close to painting. The author works with the theme of social ties, relationships of the individual with the surroundings. Her expressing medium is a combination of drawing and painting or printmaking, in which she uses mainly monotype and gravure printing techniques. Her creation is both expressive and lyrical, strongly associated with actual survival. Cynthia´s artworks are personal, reflexive, ironic. Essential for her is human, with his fears, ailments, and related encounters.


Cynthia Gregorová In The Studio

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More About Cynthia Gregorová

Question IconWhat inspires you?

What inspires me are people. Thninking about myself, dicovering the hidden places in my mind, looking for right questions, repetition of mistakes. The fears, the weakneses, hope, figeleness, our masks. I´m looking for thin healthy flow that brings me a bit further. And again I´m finding it in people. I´m also inspired by technique itself

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

personal, ironic, expressive

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

There are a lot of amazing peinters and printmakers who´s work I follow and respect. Christiane Loring, Nikola Velicki, Marek Ormandík,etc.