Daniel Diaz-Piñeiro
Born: 1975
Hometown: A Coruña
Based in: Berlin, Deutschland
Born: 1975
Hometown: A Coruña
Based in: Berlin, Deutschland
The exhibition “Fractals” are small-medium format acrylic paintings, based on the concept of fractality of Nature.
“Fractals” is an exhibition of abstract painting but it also tries to be a subjective idea about our connection with the Universe.
From the artist's vision, the images created are based on the influence of metaphysics in relation to the quantum field between other dimensional states that the human being cannot appreciate them, see or touch, but they are an intrinsic part of Nature.
“Everything is mathematically connected somehow, we can't see it, but we feel it close.”
I’ve had several studios in Spain and Germany. After years I think Atelier means the material and the purpose of producing art pieces in any place with natural light.
What inspires you?
The Visual Concept, the aesthetics of Nature. We, as part of that Nature
Describe your creative process.
It depends on the topic, the format, the medium, the inspiration. Sometimes the idea arises before and sometimes during the painting process
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Reflection, Aesthetics, Nature
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Many of them, Matisse, Modigliani, Chagall, Balthus, Foujita, Paul Klee, Max Ernst, Edward Munch, Pietr Mondrian, Alexandr Popova, Gino Severini, Emil Nolde…
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
It depends, my paintings can be made with brush, spatule, knife, or directly with the fingers.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
“You have work to defend” Agustin Ibarrola, Basque Country artist
Where do you go for inspiration?
The Atlantic Ocean in A Coruña in Galicia where I was born. Some spots I have to reflect. Nature and People everywhere are sources of inspiration
IED Barcelona
Spain, 2005
CSHG Santiago de Compostela 1997-2001
Spain, 1997
Neu West Berlin Depot Art Gallery “DDP meet XOX”
Germany, 2020
The Equator Memorial Project by Johann Sigmarsson
Iceland, 2017
Tacheles Künstler imm Neukolner Cube (daniel disabel)
Germany, 2012
The Wire