Danny Giesbers is a Dutch, autodidact abstract painter who incorporates 21st century developments into his abstract paintings. His self-developed technique and process are partially algorithmic, and partially intuitive. While working with chance, Giesbers attempts to guide his works by the choice of materials and through execution of his meditative application of each layer. His emotional state and level of focus play an important part in the execution and its result. Aesthetically, Giesbers strives to make his works appear futuristic, and digital, though they are fully analogue. His Shifts paintings evoke serenity, dissonance, harmony and change. For this series, Giesbers mobilizes phosphorescent paints to create luminescent fields of color that glow in the dark, causing a literal shift in perspective as conditions change. Rather than being objects of passive viewing, the Shift paintings take an active role to make a statement about transformation, and the interrelationships between forces and elements in the physical world. Giesbers refers to this work as Transformative Abstraction.