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Artist Name

Elisa de la Torre

Born: 1990

Hometown: Madrid

Based in: Madrid

Visual artist interested in fluid forms of expression through painting and prinmaking. Phd in Fine Arts. Professor at Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid.

Studied fine Arts at University of Western Ontario, Canada, and Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid. Master’s degree in printmaking at the Royal Mint, Madrid. Master’s degree in Humanities. Phd at UCLM.

Some of her exhibitions include Espacio Encuentro (2019), HYBRID Fair (2018), NavelArt (2018), Rizoma Gallery(2017), Franqueados-JUSTMAD Fair, Brita Prinz Arte Gallery (2017), Certamen Jóvenes Creadores Calcografía Nacional, Tinta de Verano at the Royal Mint (2016), Sala AVAM Matadero, Theredoom Gallery (2015), Rafael Pérez Hernando Gallery (2014) and Würth Museum (2013).

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Elisa de la Torre In The Studio

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More About Elisa de la Torre

Question IconWhat inspires you?

nature and organic flows, color schemes, fractal sequences

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My process is based on the idea of letting the matter flow and create organic chaos and creating natural topographies, discovering the beauty of scars and enhancing them as the most valuable par of the piece

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

flow, organic, natural

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Rothko, Zobel, Klimt

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

do what you love and it will turn out great

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?


Collections Featuring Elisa de la Torre

2 Collections

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