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Elizabeth Becker

Born: 1986

Hometown: Carlisle, PA

Based in: Carlisle, PA

Elizabeth Becker (born 1986) is a painter living and working in Pennsylvania. At a young age, art became her therapy, both as an escape and means of expression. She went on to study fine art at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, University of the Arts and Millersville University, where she earned her BA in Psychology and BSE in Art Education. In 2012, Elizabeth began working primarily in watercolor. She was quickly drawn to the spontaneity and immediacy of this medium. Fascinated by the beautiful and unpredictable interactions that occur between pigment, water and paper, it is an art form that she never tires of exploring.

Working expressively and intuitively with watercolor teaches Elizabeth to let go, become present in the moment and embrace imperfections. Through her work, Elizabeth explores the human condition, emotion, and her spiritual connection with nature. Inspired by the interplay between the inner and outer realm of her subjects, Elizabeth’s paintings tend to blur the Iines between representation and abstraction. She believes the use of abstraction gets us closer to the way things truly are, not just how they appear.


Collections Featuring Elizabeth Becker

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Articles Featuring Elizabeth Becker

1 Article