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Artist Name

Giuliano Monechi

Born: 1952

Hometown: Firenze

Based in: San Giovanni Valdarno

Giuliano Monechi
I have always painted and manipulated all kinds of materials since I can remember, but my
proper artistic activity began in 1970s when I first met crafts world in Florence. My real
training started there, what I have learnt in the shops of potters, sculpture, and decoration
during those years still influences my current research.
Also in those years I began my artistic production, centered mainly on sculpture. Wood
and terracotta were my favourite materials.
Then, through a long period of reflectios, experimentations, and even stasis, I have come
to my present way of work, to the stylistic elements, and to the materials that now allow me
to express in a properer way to my attitudes and that, and get me closer to my way of
Now I have almost left sculpture and I have nearly lost interest in the materials I used at
the begging, maybe a reminisce of the first years remains in the fact that till today I try to
escape from the bidimensional plane through the technic of rilief.
Even though this forces my works into an unnatural rigidity, it also allows me to give them
strength and expressiveness and to make them resemble the surreal atmospheres of the
fourteenth century Florentine and Sienese painting.
I do not think my work needs many explanations or that its explanation is somehow
difficult. I devote many efforts in making every work as light and intelligible as possible.
I care to make each of my paintings readable to the eye and to move observe's feelings.


Giuliano Monechi In The Studio

Parlando con Giuliano Monechi, ho cercato di farmi spiegare come sono nati molti dei lavori da lui eseguiti di recente. Queste opere, mi ha detto, sono quello che nel suo ricordo resta d’immagini viste, sfogliando libri, riviste o trovate sul web. Immagini accumulate nella mente, che riaffiorano, si trasformano assemblandosi in una costante osmosi. Randazzo Monaldi

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More About Giuliano Monechi

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Quasi tutta la mia pittura prende forma dallo studio della pittura dei maestri senesi del 1300.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

Parte tutto dai colori, le forme vengono dopo, soprattutto gli sfondi, i cieli le nuvole o semplicemente la materia che fa da supporto alla mia pittura, da questo inizio a costruire un quadro.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Visionarietà, colore, serenità.

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Sicuramente tutti i maestri del 300 senese, Pietro e Ambrogio Lorenzetti per primi ma anche Duccio da Boninsegna, Simone Martini, Lippo Memmi e anche il più antico Guido da Siena.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Il colore, adesso l'olio e la tempera, in passato e stato molto importate il colore acrilico.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Pinacoteche e musei, libri adesso per approfondire ed elaborare mi è indispensabile il web.