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Giulio Centurelli

Born: 1978

Hometown: Bergamo

Based in: Bergamo

Giulio Centurelli was born in 1978 in Bergamo (Italy), where he lives and works.
Self-taught artist, he began his artistic journey from poetry and photography, driven by a profound inner research on existence and on the complicated relationship between himself and society. Always in search of an expressive method that completes it, he dedicates himself to painting with “Ferite (Wounds)” and subsequently to iron with “Ruggine (Rust)”, the spontaneous bearer of human existence, a theme to which the artist is strongly linked. This concept has been extended and elevated by today's “Epifragma (Epiphragm)” experimentation.

“I have always felt the need to leave a trace of my thoughts, as if this could free me from that restlessness that at the same time suffocates and fascinates me. Human existence is the theme to which I am strongly linked and that I try to tell through the works. Today I entrust the feeling of existence to the “Epifragma” works.
Epiphragm is the attempt to tell a form of life.
These are latent and imaginary existences closed in their own solitude, sheltered from the world. Epifragma is a lid, a shell that holds life. The holes act as windows and allow you to know the work as if it were a human being. In this sense, therefore, the works should not be understood but known, discovered, in order to weave a feeling with them. Each work tells a personal story. Unique, like the existence of human beings.
These are the main aspects that characterize my art: Introspection. Depth. Interiority. Reflection. Melancholy. Intimacy. Asymmetry. Apparent imbalance. Cuts. Ties. Shortcomings.
The works appear suspended as if to establish a dialogue with the observer, but they never explicitly declare their message, suggesting what they think or feel only if you really listen. They are ambiguous, complicated in their simplicity and require a profound approach to invade their intimacy.
They live in limbo, veiled by a state of melancholy, even when apparently they manifest the opposite.
They are children of a condition, of a feeling, of a state of mind. And they whisper about this."


Giulio Centurelli In The Studio

main image

More About Giulio Centurelli

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Metamorphosis, Shells, Nests, Broken pieces, Holes, Transparencies, Cuts, Emptiness, Loneliness, Nature, Melancholy, Asymmetry, Broken wings

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Minimalism, Elegance, Depth

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Paolo Scheggi, Lucio Fontana, Alberto Burri

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My hands

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Believe in your own work

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

I find inspiration in everything around me

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