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Artist Name

Jacek Gonsalves

Born: 1976

Hometown: Perth

Based in: Perth

Jacek grew up in Australia in his teens and has a love with nature.
His artwork is all handmade on watercolour paper, using an alternative photographic technique called cyanotype.
You may remember blueprints of technical drawnings and plans used by engineers, this is the exact same process.
The simple process produces a continuous tone image of Prussian blue exposed by UV light when using a sensitising solution. There are many variable factors that effect how a cyanotype print turns out, it can be a great challenge to reproduce the same result time after time. Variables such as humidty, temperature, the way one brushes the emulsion and even the the mood on the day can affect the print!


Collections Featuring Jacek Gonsalves

1 Collection



14 Artists, 37 Products

Last updated: August 19, 2022