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Artist Name

Jessalin Beutler

Born: 1982

Hometown: Arlington, WA

Based in: Seattle, WA

Jessalin Beutler grew up in small dairy towns north of Seattle surrounded by nature and animals. Always a thinker and an artist, as a child she was often found in her room combining the two in heartfelt letters to friends and obsessive journaling. She also loved spending time outside, staring at the grass taking photographs with analog equipment as early as 10 years old. She graduated from Whitman College in 2004 with the decision that pursuing art and making would become her lifelong focus. Primarily self taught, Jessalin's work has taken many forms: drawing, photography, printmaking, graphic design, illustration, paper making, painting and textile design. Her process is personal and intuitive, using painting as a way to understand unconscious motives and feelings, connect, and be present to innate knowledge that we all carry around within but may not be aware of. In doing so, her work can be raw, emotional and energetic and also beautiful and contained. We are all of these things.


More About Jessalin Beutler

Question IconWhat inspires you?

feelings of joy and expansion

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My process is driven by emotion and impulse. I pick up the color and tool that best suits my mood and make little moves throughout the day. My studio is in my home, so I am constantly walking in and out looking and assessing, thinking and feeling the works. I will also take the piece around the house seeing the work how it looks outside the studio. When I have a grouping I'm happy with, I photograph and name. That's when I start putting together insights about the larger meaning of the works and the process takes on more meaning.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

emotional, linear, raw

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration? bed, my backyard or the bath ...things come to me when I'm relaxed and receptive to ideas popping in.

Collections Featuring Jessalin Beutler

2 Collections

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