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Artist Name

Joel Urruty

Born: 1968

Hometown: Hickory , NC

Based in: Hickory, NC

Born in 1968 in San Francisco CA, Joël Urruty is a sculptor working in various materials, creating abstract sculptures and wall assemblages. After graduating with a BS in Design from San Francisco State University, he went on to earn an MFA from Rochester Institute of Technology with an emphasis in woodworking. Joëlʼs sculptures have been exhibited Internationally. He has worked in the permanent collection of the Asheville Art Museum, Boston Museum of Fine Art and Honolulu Museum of Art.


More About Joel Urruty

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Inspiration comes from within and the world around me. Curiosity and keeping my eyes open when looking at even the most simple or mundane things around fuels my creativity.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My creative process starts with pen and paper. Many sketches flow onto the page without any constraints, then I move to the modeling stage to develop an idea.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

quiet, serene, elegant

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Constantin Brancusi

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My eyes and experience

Collections Featuring Joel Urruty

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