My work is based around the augmentation of materiality from screen to surface, in which I create digital drawings that I attempt to translate into oil paintings. This transfer is very important to my practice, I find it fascinating to see what is lost and gained in the end result. Whilst creating these loose digital 'plans' for my paintings, I also allow the flexibility of oil paints to guide the paintings so there is an element of spontaneity to them. The mixture of technology and traditional painting amalgamate my entire practice. The flatness of the computer screen shapes the elements that I bring to the canvas, yet the oil paints and mediums I use yield anything but flat results on the surface. The tube motif that seems to run through my works hint towards being three dimensional, but as they are inspired by drawings on a flat screen this is more illusionistic than anything. The colour schemes are a concoction of the more traditional oil palette (e.g. cadmium yellow, pthalo blue) and more ‘artificial-looking’ neon colours that are to used demonstrate this conversation between the real and the digital painting.