Kees Barten
Born: 1953
Hometown: Berg en Terblijt
Based in: Maastricht (NL)
Born: 1953
Hometown: Berg en Terblijt
Based in: Maastricht (NL)
I finished my masterdegree on Art an Art history in 1979. Ever since I haven been working as a painter with exhibitions in several European countries.
What inspires you?
In my paintings I elicit unexpected potentials from my material to create a spiritual space in wich the viewer can explore his*her relationship with the given world. The structure of the work must be legible for the viewer to be able to appropriate the work and thus become the creative subject of the work.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Transparancy Silence Openness
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
The biggest influence on my work were American painters of the fiftys and sixties e.g. Johns, Rauschenberg, Tuttle etc. I learned to know them through the Ludwig collection in Cologne
Where do you go for inspiration?
For inspiration I go to the countryside . Here I discover a universal quality of space.
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