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Magdolna Toth

Born: 1963

Hometown: Budapest

Based in: Ireland

Magdolna Toth finished the Hungarian Applied Art Institute (MOME) in 1990 and graduated as a Porcelain-Ceramic Industrial Designer. From 1993-2000 worked in the construction industry making architectural ceramics and restoration works in Budapest. Parallel and after she was commissioned by IKEA and several hotels in Budapest, Vienna, Berlin to make ceramics.
In 2008 Magdolna moved with her family to Ireland where she involved herself in community art projects and in 2013 got a Socially Engaged Postgraduate Diploma in NCAD. She organized, implemented, and participated in several community-based art projects, installations.
In 2018 she’s begun to work on her own ceramic art portfolio. She committed to the paper clay, building mesh structures out of it. In 2019 she exhibited in Ceramics Ireland annual exhibition and her work was selected to Cluj-Napoca Ceramic Biennale. In 2020 she exhibited in Cluster Craft Fair London. In 2021 she was a selected artist in the Hungarian Ceramics Biennale. The opening and the award ceremony will be held at the end of May
The artist’s current works will be included in two upcoming books, one is the Irish ceramics 2021, the other is The London Cluster Craft Fair 2020.


Magdolna Toth In The Studio

The clay for me is a form of self-expression. My studio is for me a place of retreat. Where I can be my own, emerge to my conscious and subconscious self, finding success through failures, struggles; learning focus, endurance, also humility, and patience. I love to work passionately and to inspire others.

main image

More About Magdolna Toth

Question IconWhat inspires you?

The meshes, that I create, are close to my obsession of everything is interconnected. I’ve found, the network science can give me a deeper understanding of interconnectivity. The networks are of increasing importance in science. Among many others, the complex networks of society-, technology - and nature play a prominent role.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I am testing the new, and for me unfamiliar, clays, techniques. I became very impressed with paper clay, which, with a tissue in it, crosses limits of usual clay. Now I’m testing those limits with my creations. I build from hand rolled, thin sticks tetrahedrons ( triangle based pyramid), and connecting them to each other at the top and bottom I get a hexahedron, which is the base of my 3D tissue. With this tissue I try to sculpt different forms, which reflect to my feelings, impressions.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Weightless, translucent, minimalist

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

'There's design, and there's art. Good design is total harmony. There's no better designer then nature- if you look at a branch or a leaf, it's perfect. It's all function. Art is different. It's about emotion.' Diane Von Furstenberg

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Curiosity, to see the outcome

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

'Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.' Andy Warhol

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Nature. Everyday life. Surrounding world, impressions.

Collections Featuring Magdolna Toth

2 Collections

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Hungarian Applied Arts College (MOME)

Hungary, 1990


Cluster Craft Fair, London

United Kingdom, 2020

Ceramics Ireland Annual Exhibition

Ireland, 2019

Immigrant Artists in Ireland

Ireland, 2013

Edible Art, Doorway Gallery

Ireland, 2013


Irish Ceramics Book 2021