Maie Yanni is a British-born Lebanese medical doctor , qualified from The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and specialized in Anaesthesia , Intensive Care and High-Risk Obstetric Anaesthesia . She grew up between England, Ireland, Sierra Leone , Lebanon and is currently based in Cairo , Egypt .
She holds a Diploma in Interior Design from Rhodec International (1999) with a special interest in Colour Theory and the ancient philosophy of Feng Shui and their psychological impact on our environment and well-being.
In 1982 , while still a medical student, she qualified as a Member of The Irish Craftsmen’s Guild for her proficiency in Painting, Drawing and Crochet fiber work.
In the year 2000 , she took a sabbatical from medical practice in order to fulfill a lifelong ambition as an artist and art curator.
As a multidisciplinary and self-taught artist her work embraees a number of disciplines namely:
Mixed Media and Drawing
Origami and Kirigami
Mail Art
Artists Books , Artists’ Sketchbooks and Journals.
Jewellery designing and crafting .
Crochet, Macrame and Frivolite
She also has a special interest in Packaging and Branding and was a Member of the Association of Visual Merchandisers and Retail Display.
Her Collage work is part of the permanent collection at the International Museum of Collage , Assemblage & Construction in the United States. As a Jewellery designer she was a member of the New Designers online in the UK and her current jewellery creations are showcased in Ireland, Vienna, Cairo , Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates.
She currently holds the positions of:
- Independent Artist , Art Curator and Consultant
-International Art Contributor
-Fiber work artist in the mediums of Crochet , Macrame and Frivolite
- Jewellery designer
- Branding Consultant for the firm Lee Brown