Marco Raimondo
Born: 1961
Hometown: Milano
Based in: Milano
Marco Raimondo, self-taught digital artist, works full time in the IT field and currently lives in Milan.
He inherited the passion for art from his mother who, with a background of studies as a ceramist, passed on to him the rudiments of drawing and the use of color, as well as involving him in visiting exhibitions and museums in Italy and abroad. During his classical studies and graduating in Electronic Engineering, he never stopped unleashing his passion, concentrating on model-making, painting lead soldiers.
In the last years, attracted by the technological innovation that has made available sophisticated tools for drawing on personal computers, he went on to experiment with an unprecedented form of art based on the digital processing of sketches made by hand, with pen on paper. The result is a high definition digital abstract work presented in electronic format and with fine art prints, on high-quality paper in limited editions and customizable sizes according to the necessities.
His artworks were initially presented on the main social networks aimed at creativity and in online art sale specialized platforms. There he began to attract the interest of workers in the sector and has been selected to participate in exhibitions or dissemination initiatives. Among these:
2016 - An artwork highlighted on the Pantone Gallery in Behance and published on the world wide Website Pantone.
2017 - Publication on the digital edition of Magazzino Ripensarte N.4 (4 artworks)
2018 - Solo exhibition Luci Suoni e Colori - Gallery SPAZIOKAPPA32, Milan (25 artworks)
2019 - Collective exhibition Bianco & Nero - Gallery ROCCART, Florence (3 artworks)
2019 - Collective exhibition #EMERGING - Gallery M.A.D.S. Digital Gallery, Milan (2 artworks)
2019 - A selected artwork by DAYLIGHTED for a collective digital screening in rolling at: YOOMA Urban Lodge Paris; 32Open Hotel San Francisco; Parisoma San Francisco, NESS D Ocean resort La Reunion.
2019 - 12 selected artworks presented on the website Elena Gollini Art Blogger
2019 - 5 selected artworks presented in the II Edition of Catalogo d’Arte - Elena Gollini Art Blogger
2020 - Solo digital exhibition Digital Projection (20 artworks)
2020 - Publication on the Annuario Artisti20, issued by ArtNow in collaboration with Mondadori Store (3 artworks)
2020 - Publication on ARTLeader Guida all’Investimento, issued by ArtNow (2 artworks)
2021 - Collective Exhibition - Galleria Rinascita, Sarnico ( 2 artworks )
2021 - 1 artwork published in "ART NOW" - May/June 2021 Art magazine
2021 - 11 artworks published on milanomostre.blog, italian blog on art, photography, design and exhibitions
2021 - 1 artwork published on the "100 Best Selected 2021 V. 02" digital edition by Photographize
2022 - 3 artworks published in "Annuario Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea Artisti'22" by Artnow-Mondadori
More About Marco Raimondo
What inspires you?
What happens around me and how our minds interact with the complexity of the real life that everyday we have to deal with.
Describe your creative process.
I start from sketches, simple sketches drawn in real time, when I am immersed in the real world. The are the way in which I record how I interact with what happening around me.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Lights, rhythms and visions
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
For sure abstract expressionists are the ones mainly influencing my work. Artists like Cy Frank Kline and Pollock ...all the artists that used strokes as base for their artworks but I hope to have found my way, merging manual and digital drawing.
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
Paper and pen, and then the digital tools that help me to complete the scene.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Find your way , try to be different, be yourslef
Where do you go for inspiration?
Life is my source of inspiration
Univ. degli Studi di Genova - Electronic Enginering
Italy, 1987
"La materia del colore" - Galleria Rinascita - Sarnico
Italy, 2021
Digital Projection - Digital personal exhibition by Elena Gollini's Art Blog
Italy, 2020
Il Bianco e Nero - Group Exhibition - Roccart Gallery - Florence
Italy, 2019
#EMERGING - Group Exhibition - M.A.D.S. Gallery - Milano
Italy, 2019
Lights, Visions and Colors - Personal exhibition - SPAZIOKAPPA32 Gallery - Milano
Italy, 2018