Marco Schmidli
Born: 1952
Hometown: Basel
Based in: Los Angeles
Born: 1952
Hometown: Basel
Based in: Los Angeles
Swiss-born Marco Schmidli is the founder of Schmidli Backdrops Inc.
He studied photography and fine art in Switzerland where he was born.
With a scholarship he had the privilege to live and work in the Swiss institute in Rome for two years.
Back in Switzerland he worked in Zurich as a photographer and artist till he moved to California where he created Schmidli Backdrops.
His artworks are frequently featured in the film and entertainment industries, such as fashion photography, celebrity portraits, music videos, films, editorials, and at red carpet events.
Marco's work is known for its sensitive surfaces and subtle textures. He has developed specialized techniques for applying and layering color. There are infinite possibilities on how to apply paint onto a surface and he often creates his own tools for that purpose. Experimenting with new techniques still excite him.
His artworks are the culmination of nearly 50 years of painting experience. Schmidli combines his creativity with an open mind and a combinaiton of an intuitive and resourceful approach to art. He lets the mediums naturally manifest within his artwork. “An important aspect of my artwork is the removal of my own artistic hand. Instead of controlling and demanding the paint move and act a certain way, I let the paint naturally manifest and express its pure form/ true colors/ most natural movement.”
“Each painting is a unique exploration into the unknown, and bodies of my work examine alternative possibilities and realities. I observed and remained cognizant of all the unique possibilities I was creating, and now I feel like all of my greatest artwork is still behind a dam waiting to be released.”
His artworks have appeared in highly respected magazine publications, such as Vogue, Flaunt, and Harper’s Bazaar. With work also featured in fashion spreads of icons such as Nike and Balenciaga, Schmidli has set the standard for large scale contemporary abstract works in Los Angeles.
Marco Schmdli has been the subject of solo and group exhibitions in Los Angeles and internationally. His work is in the permanent collections of institutions including the Annenberg Collection and private collectors.
What inspires you?
I am inspired by nature. I worship Mother Nature and all her creativity. I like to observe nature, listen to what she has to tell me. That’s why I let natural processes happen in my art. Even for my backdrops I create a framework where surprise happens which keeps the process interesting and exciting.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
I had this teacher in art school who asked us, “do you want to know what good composition is?” “Yeah, of course,” we said. Then he took a hand full of beans out of his pocket and threw them on the floor. “That’s a good composition.”
Where do you go for inspiration?
I am inspired by nature. I worship Mother Nature and all her creativity. I like to observe nature, listen to what she has to tell me. That’s why I let natural processes happen in my art. Even for my backdrops I create a framework where surprise happens which keeps the process interesting and exciting.