Nartana Thomas Holzweiler
Born: 1959
Hometown: Aachen/Germany
Based in: Thailand
Born: 1959
Hometown: Aachen/Germany
Based in: Thailand
Born and raised in Germany. Formal education at Fachoberschule fuer Gestaltung, Fachhochschule fuer visuelle Kommunikation in Aachen, Germany.
Extensive travels through East and South East Asia. Lived in India off and on for seven years, Lived and worked inLaguna Beach, California and Santa Fe, New Mexico, US for about 20 years, living and working in Thailand since 2006.
After about a decade of exclusively working on silk ( with dyes,) I've been focusing mainly on working on canvas with primarily acrylic, latex paints and inks on canvas.
To put it in a few words- I constantly strive to re-invent the way I paint. Living in Asia has strongly altered my style from living in the South/West of the US. From the High Desert to the ocean. From 7000 feet to 0 feet. From dry to wet.
Now my domicile is 200m from the Gulf of Siam in the jungle- like surrounding. I mainly work out in the open.
I'm running a small paint school at my studio as well, Thailand. In between doing my own work I have students from all over the world from age 4 to 75 and any age in between. In fact, that's how I get inspired amongst other things. Working and learning with people from all walks of life from all ages from all countries.
I have a wonderful playground. Due to the warm climate I pretty much work outside most of the time, surrounded by semi tropical jungle. During monsoon season it gets a bit challenging with humidity off the charts. All in all it's the best place to be and luckily the pandemic hasn't affected us that much. Koh Samui, Thailand
What inspires you?
Life, people, animals, children, nature, meditation
Describe your creative process.
Quite typically I start very spontaneous, often even chaotic and work my way slowly into details into a calm space.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Imaginary, mystical, magical, visionary, whimsical, playful
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Kandinsky, Rothko, Pollock, Miro and a few not well known ones I met along along the road......and foremost- childrens paintings and I've seen elephants and primates do incredible art, seriously!!
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
my eyes and hands
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
be a light onto yourself
Where do you go for inspiration?
into the ocean or sitting in meditation, also sleeping is good...
1 Article
Best of The Artling: 2020 Highlights
December 23, 2020
Fachhochschule fuer Visuelle Komminikation
Germany, 1978
7 years
Thailand, 2007