1985 Born in Tokyo, Japan.(Currently located in Kawasaki.) 2008 BA in Literature, Waseda University, Tokyo/Japan 2010 Diploma in Fine Art, Asagaya College of Art and Design, Tokyo/Japan 2012 MBA in Fine Art, Tokyo Zokei University, Tokyo/Japan
[Solo and Group Exhibitions] 2016 Solo Exihibition「pianissimo」(Art trace gallery・Tokyo) 2015 「see_through_」(SAKuRA GALLERY・Tokyo),「Wonder Seed 2015」(Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya・Tokyo)、「Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program Exhibition」(EYE OF GYRE・Tokyo) 2014 「interactive-YOUTH-」(Gallery Hinoki・Tokyo) 2011 Solo Exhibition「The Discovery of the Landscape」(CS galllery in Tokyo Zokei University・Tokyo) 2011 「M Polyphony」(ZOKEI galllery・Tokyo)(’10) 2011 「Art Polygon」(NHK gallery・Tokyo) 2010 「Art Program Ome 2010」(Ome city・Tokyo) 2008 「Terminal」(Bunbodo gallery・Tokyo)
[Award] 2015 Wonder Seed 2015 2014 Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program 2011 Holbein Scholarship 2010 Asagaya College of Art and Design「Alumni Award」
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