Nicholas Bernard
Born: 1958
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Based in: Scottsdale,Arizona. USA
Born: 1958
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Based in: Scottsdale,Arizona. USA
Early experiences with clay as a child apparently left a mark. After school, apprenticeships and more school,
making pots was, is and will continue to be a way of life. I’ve been a studio potter for nearly 40 years now, living
and working in Arizona for much of that time. My work as a professional has always been low fire earthenware.
For many years my Raku pots were shown nationally. The influences are scattered from the Southwest, Africa
and Japan to the cultures of the Mediterranean. A museum full of 2000-year-old pots in Rhodes was an epiphany.
Simple forms with no contrivance or pretension filled room after room. I hope to make one like that before I’m done.
Seeing those pots 20 years ago started this current evolution. It began with soft muted colors, classic shapes.
Amphora, ewers, and jugs with an ancient feel. Then, textured pots with extravagant handles, spouts and flourishes
using brushed color. Over the last 10 years the current body of work has evolved.
High fire porcelain and white stoneware is presented here. Earthenware works are also available.
The last piece finished today, good, bad or indifferent is the product of doing the work for many years.
These pieces can’t be made without those experiences, successes and failures, lots of failures.
Every day in the studio is an adventure; I’m looking forward to working tomorrow.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
controlled Precise Well Crafted
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Paul Soldner Peter Voulkos
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
My Brain, hands. eyes and potters wheel
Where do you go for inspiration?
to the studio