Night Fung (馮禮慈) is a painter from Hong Kong, his works could be described as Modern Chinese Abstract landscape paintings that are are quiet, calm, and with the realm of aesthetics of Eastern Art and sometimes with a soft touch of Chinese Chan (Zen). Before started painting, Night Fung (馮禮慈) is one of the most renowned music critics in Hong Kong and China areas for more than 30 years.
Works collected by:
Four Seasons Hotel, Macau---at "Xiao Ting",
Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons Ltd.'s office(St. George's Building, Central),
Citi Bank
2020 ‘Stains of Time' -- Group exhibition (3 artists, together with Michell Lie and Sophie Cheung)
29th October, 2020 to 12th December, 2020.
Gallery HZ (222 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong)
2020 ‘Out of Zone’--Online Group exhibition
Kocaeli University Faculty of Fine Arts, Turkey.
Curators: Prof. Dr. Neslihan Kıyar, Asst. Prof. Dr. Haluk Arda Oskay
23rd Apr 2020
2020 '14 Artists 14 Days' -- Group exhibition
April 2020.
2019 ‘What’s on Paper’--Group exhibition
12th-16th, December 2019
The Visual Art Center (Admiralty, Hong Kong)
2017 'InkGlobal' --Group exhibition
3-8 August 2017, Hong Kong
HK's ever largest ink paintings exhibition.