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Ordo Amoris

Born: 1985

Hometown: Prague

Based in: Prague

Ordo Amoris, (Ivana Suchacova in real name), is an abstract artist based in Prague, Europe, who creates large-scale abstract paintings that stem from her exploration and experimentation with the theme of freedom, which she believes to be the essence of the primary source. Her artistic process revolves around the concept of creating without the constraints of a thinking mind, instead tapping into the boundless energy of pure consciousness to create freely and consciously. However, even when the concept dissolves into a non-concept, it still retains a semblance of conceptualization. This leads her to ponder the essence of true freedom and what it truly signifies.

She earned a Master of Philosophy of Art degree from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Not only constantly answers seeking studies, but as well her thoughts which go beyond what is usually known and perceived, influence her painting.

The act of going beyond what is usually known and thought either in perceptions or creations as a crucial part of her creative process can be understood, as Ordo Amoris reflects, as an invitation to a space that the mind would name “the miracles”. Devoid of all that make us feel comfortable in the familiar, the space of freedom of great intelligence occurs where all that is is in a pure unconditional creation. Either to create it or to perceive it, by ignoring the habitual responses or unconscious thoughts, Ordo Amoris gives a space to creation of that frequency of being where there is the clarity of doing in so-called non-doing (explained in the traditional Eastern philosophy of wu-wei) where all that is provides the space into the unknown and to a priori freedom where the existence is in meditative state of being: open, new, fresh and alive regardless of any predominant behaviours or thoughts. “In my paintings I study the space where questions and subsequent conversations arise between the universal energies of something considered, as an intention, the primary source of all the movement in the Universe, and on the other hand the freedom as the intelligent energy a priori inherent in all that is.” What is to go on the canvas, she reflects, is not a picture, nor an idea, not the event, but that “what is”. “I do not have tendencies to name my work abstract. The works created in the vast space of the unknown are not my projections, nor expressions, it has nothing to do with myself, nor my feelings. It is not self-projected, the self is even not there. It is something beyond all experiencing as we know it.” The work, which she gives freedom for its ethereal organic forms to arise which are not conditioned yet are not automatic arising from subconscious, is rather a fluent transcendence of all that is, even itself.

Being metaphysical in scope it can serve as a juxtaposition between that which we are conditioned to know and to think and that which comes from great intelligence that transcends all the known. “Is it not, then, the dissolved self in all that is without its hints or tendencies and freely moving and creating in a gap between thoughts, the truest essence of its own?”, she asks. The question is not here to be answered. Ordo Amoris believes that "in our willingness to step into the unknown, the wisdom of uncertainty, where the freedom from our conditioning lies, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the Universe.” The paintings might then show us something beyond all our conditioning.

Her tendencies in her work are inspired by post - war generation of American abstract expressionists where the canvas happened to be a vast space in which to act, rather than as a space in which to reproduce, redesign, analyse or express an object or idea, actual or imagined. She goes even beyond in her visual studies and transcends what the mind thinks or would like to name, to the essential core of creating itself. What is to go on the canvas is an unconditional creation of all the movement in the Universe.. and there is great love.

Her works belong to the museum collection of museum of contemporary art Chiang Mai, MAIIAM, Thailand, and to the private collections by various collectors around the world, from Prague, London, Florence, Germany, France, Spain, Slovakia, Africa, USA, Singapore, Thailand, Java and Bali.

She currently lives and works variously in Prague with her atelier in enchanting Malá Strana and in Asia, mainly in mystical island Bali that happened to be for her another home and alongside painting she observes the world with old Flexaret two lens film camera.

She currently lives and works variously in Prague and in Asia, mainly in Bali that happened to be for her another home and alongside painting she observes the world with old Flexaret two lens film camera.


Ordo Amoris In The Studio

Creation is when the self is not there, because creation is not intellectual, is not of the mind, is not self-projected, is something beyond all experiencing as we know it.

main image

More About Ordo Amoris

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Creating from the mind that is connected to higher consciousness, awareness, to all that is. The mind that is not conditioned by any predominant thoughts or other behavioural patterns.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

It is wu-wei creation. Effortless creating of all the movement in the Universe.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

space between thoughts

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Many of great minds and pivotal figures of post-war American abstract expressionists

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

connecting to pure creating that speaks the truth

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

What you see is real - but only on the particular level to which you've developed your sense of seeing. You can expand your reality by developing new ways of perceiving.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

own consciousness

Collections Featuring Ordo Amoris

1 Collection

New & Noteworthy: October 2022

New & Noteworthy: October 2022

37 Artists, 40 Products

Last updated: October 6, 2022



Not of the mind, Cisticka Dejvice, Prague

Czechia, 2020

Living the truth, Artiseme, Prague

Czechia, 2019

Group show Gallery Kotelna Prague

Czechia, 2019

Solo show Wu-wei, Ubud, Bali

Indonesia, 2019

Solo show Muj salek kavy, Prague

Czechia, 2019

Tita gallery Chiang Mai

Thailand, 2018

Private exhibition for Yacht club, Manes

Czechia, 2018

Museum of contemporary art MAIIAM

Thailand, 2017


Elle Decoration Czech Republic


Forbes Czech Republic, Y&T company