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Artist Name

Patricia Stegman

Born: 1929

Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri

Based in: Brooklyn, New York

***POST GRADUATE Art Students League of NY (study with Reginald Marsh; Will Barnet; Byron Brown; Vaclav Vytlacill, and Morris Kantor.)***

Featured in recent New Yorker piece by Jonathan Lethem, "The invention of a neighborhood" (2023).


2008: Atlantic Avenue Artwalk: Open Studio Tour, Brooklyn NY
2007: Atlantic Avenue Artwalk: Open Studio Tour, Brooklyn NY
2006: Association of Gowanus Artists Studio Tour, Brooklyn NY
1997; "The Nude: Theme & Variations": Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1994: "Landscape: Theme & Variations": Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1990: "Southwest Landscape": Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1990: "Ponds & Gardens": Hampton Square Gallery, Westhampton Beach NY
1988: "Landscapes of the Southwest": Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1986: "Ponds & Gardens": Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1984: "Landscapes": Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1978: "Autobiographical Series II": Gallery 91, Brooklyn NY
1976: "Autobiographical Series": Gallery 91, Brooklyn NY
1975; "Wall of Drawings": Gallery 91, Brooklyn NY
1963: "Paintings & Drawings": Brata Gallery, NYC


2016: "Gowanus Open Studios": Brooklyn NY
2009: "Black & White Show": East End Arts Council, Riverhead NY
2004: RVS Fine Arts, Southampton NY
1992: Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn NY
1991: Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn NY
1991 to 1984: Annual Group Exhibitions: Atlantic Gallery, New York City
1978: Educational Alliance: 4-person show, New York City
1978: "Tenth Street Days: the Co-ops of the 50's & 60's": Association of Artist-Run Galleries, Landmark Gallery, New York City
1978: Landmark Gallery, New York City
1977: Landmark Gallery, New York City
1977; Michelson-Bagley Gallery, New York City
1963: Brata Gallery, New York City
1961: Brata Gallery, New York City
1960: Workshop Gallery, New York City


2016: "FRESH: KCAI Alumni": Epsten Gallery, Kansas City Art Institute, Overland Park, KS
1996: "Mindscapes, Nine Painters": Salena Gallery, Long Island University, Brooklyn NY
1991: "Elements of Drawing": Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn NY (Curator: Judy Pfaff)
1990: Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn NY
1988: "Waterworks" 10 simultaneous solo shows on the theme of Water: St. James Cultural Center, Smithtown Township Arts Council, St. James NY
1974: "The Expatriates": River Quay Gallery, Kansas City MO
1973: Silvermine Guild, New Canaan CT


1977: Visiting Artist: P.S. 29, Brooklyn NY
1969-70: Neighborhood School of Boerum Hill, Brooklyn NY
1954-55: Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City MO. Fellowship while a candidate for BFA.


1994: Assistant to Set Designer for Bertold Brecht's "Mother Courage": CUNY York College, Jamaica NY
1976, 1975: The Big Apple Theatre Company, Brooklyn, NY. Set for "The Three Sisters", "The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window" and "April on Atlantic Avenue".
1977, 1974: Circle Repertory Company, NYC. Revival of ee. cummings "him" and "Dr. Freud"

Mrs. Eileen Shanin Bush: Schenectady NY
Ms. Karen Caton: Red Hook NY and St. Paul MN
Shirley & Adolph Fuerst: Brooklyn NY
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Ganser: Kansas City MO
Sally Lord: New York City
Frank & Lynn Perrone: New York City
Wim & Olga Schimmer: Steep Falls ME


Kansas City Art Institute: Kansas City MO, B.F.A.
Univesity of Missouri at Kansas City: Academic work for B.F.A.
POST GRADUATE Art Students League of NY (study with Reginald Marsh; Will Barnet; Byron Brown; Vaclav Vytlacill, and Morris Kantor.)
Sorbonne, Paris: Summer School class in French Language.
Alliance Francaise: Classes in French language.
Hunter College: Classes in Italian.


Patricia Stegman In The Studio

main image

More About Patricia Stegman

Question IconWhat inspires you?

I am interested in what I consider to be genuine abstraction; meaning, not non-objective painting which is done with no reference to the visual world, but an abstraction OF something.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

When I work from landscape; my painting has two parts: first, I paint directly on site, on paper, with pastel or watercolor. A major component of this work is the excitement that comes from the direct confrontation of nature; and its various sensual aspects - the light, the weather, the season, the time of day... I then return to the studio and there work on series of much larger works, in oil on canvas, based on the works done on site.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Aensuality, excitement, and connection with nature

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Reginald Marsh; Will Barnet; Byron Brown; Vaclav Vytlacill, and Morris Kantor



Kansas City Art Institute: Kansas City MO, B.F.A.

United States of America, 1952


Association of Gowanus Artists Studio Tour, Brooklyn NY

United States of America, 2008

2007: Association of Gowanus Artists Studio Tour, Brooklyn NY

United States of America, 2007

2006: Association of Gowanus Artists Studio Tour, Brooklyn NY

United States of America, 2006

1997; "The Nude: Theme & Variations": Atlantic Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1997

1994: "Landscape: Theme & Variations": Atlantic Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1994

1990: "Ponds & Gardens": Hampton Square Gallery, Westhampton Beach NY

United States of America, 1990

1990: "Southwest Landscape": Atlantic Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1990

1988: "Landscapes of the Southwest": Atlantic Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1988

1986: "Ponds & Gardens": Atlantic Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1986

1984: "Landscapes": Atlantic Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1984

1978: "Autobiographical Series II": Gallery 91, Brooklyn NY

United States of America, 1978

1978: "Tenth Street Days: the Co-ops of the 50's & 60's": Association of Artist-Run Galleries, Landmark Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1978

1976: "Autobiographical Series": Gallery 91, Brooklyn NY

United States of America, 1976

1973: Silvermine Guild, New Canaan CT

United States of America, 1973

1963: "Paintings & Drawings": Brata Gallery, NYC

United States of America, 1963

1960: Workshop Gallery, New York City

United States of America, 1960