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Artist Name

Paul Lee

Hometown: 深圳市

Based in: 深圳市

---《Childhood Memory With Fantacy》Series---

The dolls with big eyes are pure and bright ,warm and cute, full of curiosity, perception and exploration to this world. Through some realistic and dreamlike elements, the artworks not only shows a clear, bright and colorful visual feeling, but also reflect more about human beings themselves, hoping to awaken human's attention to their inner world.
In addition, it also brings the courage for the people to face the reality and accept the truth. From this perspective, they also have sort of spiritual healing power for the people especially for the children with autism problems. They could be influenced by the positive elements of pure,warm,sunny,truth, kindness and beauty from the artworks. They could be awaken by art and finally find the light of their life that could enlighten them all the way in future.


Paul Lee In The Studio

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More About Paul Lee

Question IconWhat inspires you?

The birth of my child made me think about life in a new way

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

The theme of thinking about the choice of media, to the perfection of production, is like a new birth process

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Life thinking engagement

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Andy Warhol

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Oil paint brushes on canvas

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Inner freedom, happy life

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

State of love