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Artist Name

Richard Ketley

Born: 1964

Hometown: Johannesburg

Based in: South Africa

Painting and drawing is an integral part of my life, and has been since a very early age. At the moment I am interested in formal elements of painting and drawing inspired by the world around me and the many countries I visit, and in finding meaning where others do not - in the fall of light on a sandy building in Riyadh, the chaos of the shacks of Kampala, the crowded taxi parks of Johannesburg. My art is a search for perfection that is not often found in life. I am fortunate enough to travel widely in the Middle East and Africa, but I have not found my Tahiti - a landscape populated with primary colours, instead I find landscape covered in sandy construction sites, tin roofed shacks, humanity sweating as trucks our loaded with voluminous bundles. But within these spaces there is balance and form and structure - all elements that are abstracted in my paintings.

Qualifications: MFA Wits University 2018


Richard Ketley In The Studio

My studio is located in downtown Johannesburg -in an art deco building that was once a rolls royce showroom. Now the area is very very different. The studio plays an incredibly important role in my creative practice - half meditative, half production. Studio visits can be arranged through the Artling

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More About Richard Ketley

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Although my work is abstract it is almost always inspired by a combination of story and place - and I spend a huge amount of time travelling. Almost all my work is produced in series in response to specific theme.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My creative process is trigggered by the interaction between place and story, sound light and an emotion. These are captured in notes, collage and sketches and then worked up in the studio.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Now, felt, bold

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

I am inspired by Guagain, Manuel Felguerez, Robert Motherwell

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Very large brushes

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Keep going to the studio.. and it will come right

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

African cities and ports

Collections Featuring Richard Ketley

4 Collections

Artworks for a Cigar Lounge

Artworks for a Cigar Lounge

21 Artists, 31 Products

Last updated: June 10, 2021

Large Paintings

Large Paintings

52 Artists, 63 Products

Last updated: June 3, 2021

Abstract Paintings

Abstract Paintings

69 Artists, 82 Products

Last updated: December 11, 2020

Articles Featuring Richard Ketley

1 Article



University of the Witwatersrand

South Africa, 2018


SA Taxi Art Shortlist


SA Taxi Art Shortlist



Rust and Freedom

South Africa, 2020

Boda Boda and the Bacchus

South Africa, 2019


United Arab Emirates, 2019

Sikka Fair Installation

United Arab Emirates, 2019


South Africa, 2018


Ghana, 2018

The Point of Order

South Africa, 2018

Night Landing

South Africa, 2017

Whats Art For?

South Africa, 2017

Closer than Ever

South Africa, 2017

Call and Response

South Africa, 2016