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Richard Liu

Born: 1996

Hometown: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

Based in: Richmond, Virginia

Richard Liu was born in Pennsylvania, USA and has since then lived in California, Virginia, Maryland, and southeastern coast of Fuzhou, China. Having influenced by a culmination of different cultures and traditional techniques, Richard brings different worlds together to create harmonious visual images. Currently studying at the Maryland Institute College of the Arts with a major in General Fine Arts and a concentration in Illustration, Richard has been chosen for multiple on-campus shows, with one of his works published in the Artist’s Magazine in 2017, as well as being a part of a group show for the 1708 Gallery in Richmond, Virginia in 2019.


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Richard Liu In The Studio

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More About Richard Liu

Question IconWhat inspires you?

People, cultures

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I make my artworks all from sketch, the objects you see in my artworks are handmade sculptures from different materials then later documented, edited, and recreated into drawings.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

duality, harmony, beauty

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Francis Bacon, Picasso, William Kentridge



Downtown Baltimore Partnership


Preview #8 Lazarous Center, Baltimore, MD


Donor Show Baltimore, MD


New Faces III Satellite exhibition, Linden Row Inn, VA


Desserts Artists Magazine, Baltimore, MD


Silence Group Show Intro to GFA, MICA, Baltimore, MD


Monochrome, duo show, Deep Run High School, Henrico, VA