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Rita Valley

Born: 1956

Hometown: Connecticut

Based in: Connecticut

Rita Valley, deeply political and confrontational in her work tackles all social trends, morality and political behaviors and turns them all around and into art - art that stands up and will be heard. Valley, also has a soft touch, part of that is the medium used, fiber, the other part, also connected to her medium, is the mixing of fibers - creating multilevel patchworks of statements that draw one in with their unabashed taunts, but that also get softened by fringes, sequins, and the like. Valley seems to have no discomfort in calling us all out - whether one is wealthy and living on the brink of destruction along the coasts, whether one is trying to live their best life, exhausting every moment, or the reduction of the art world and those involved to be naught much more than whores - the intent is there bellowing that we all stop, turn around and look into who we are and what we do, what we aspire to - and are these things good for us all? For anyone?