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Artist Name

Rob Shiels

Hometown: Sunshine Coast

Based in: Sunshine Coast

In balance with a business career, I am a self-taught photographer. Having started with videography my sole passion is now still images.
My creative process is very mixed. Moving from artistic images, black and white, portraits, street and landscapes. Artistic photography is my one of my favorites as this allows flexibility, unusual concepts, lighting challenges and my camera and lenses become my paint brushes.
I am a photographic artist and a photographer. I have my own studio where I can create images, encourage ideas and very importantly, listen to music. My photographic interest is strongly influenced to minimalist in my studio and working with lights to creating the image. Prints with low light or minimal light, abstract or still life scenes in simple forms. The studio allows me to create portrait, artistic, abstract, product and design images. An immediate confirmation of a concept often extends into repeated trials before acceptance and my satisfaction of an image.
Outside the studio working with nature's natural lines, light and beauty in landscape photography, a relaxing genre.
The diversity in my images is a reflection of my feeling or mood. Concepts can come quickly and sometimes I struggle with ideas. That’s normal…..

Diversity is constantly creating new and evolving works. I have many ideas yet to be produced, some will succeed, and some will fail, but constantly challenging. And that is great.

All of this is for my own enjoyment, satisfaction and pride in my work. But also, for others to enjoy.


Rob Shiels In The Studio

Already for the next project. All tidied away like a blank canvas ready to start painting. I often start with an idea and design in mind with a road to achieve the result I want. Pushing the camera and using lights with, angles , filters, sometimes building my own equipment, or working out ways to manipulate light with the gear I have. That's great fun, very rewarding when you get THAT result.

main image

More About Rob Shiels

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Creative photographers with their camera and using surrounding light whether from nature or a light source.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

Looking at objects from a different perspective to how most people look at it.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Still Life, Minimalist, Low light.

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Karl Taylor. Michael Freeman , Hengki Koentjoro, Light, Science and Magic by Hunter. Biver . Fuqua

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?


Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Walking, looking for object's in second hand shops, my electronic diary where I write down ideas before I forget and of course my studio with music in the background.

Collections Featuring Rob Shiels

1 Collection

Unique Art Pieces for the Holiday Season

Unique Art Pieces for the Holiday Season

72 Artists, 94 Products

Last updated: October 24, 2023



Grey Cube Gallery Patterns "Golden Tide "


Art Room Gallery Merit Award " Mangroves Low Tide"


Grey Cube Gallery Finalist "Subtle Glow"


Art Room Gallery Shades of Grey Finalist


Grey Cube Gallery Honorable Mention "Moody"


Art Room Gallery Finalist "Twisted"


Art Room Gallery Merit Award "Angry Sea"


Motif Collective Finalist "Tea or Coffee"