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Ronni Squizzato

Born: 1980

Hometown: Venice

Based in: Venice

Ronni Squizzato is a self-thought Venetian artist born in 1980. He studied architecture but soon developed an interest in graphic design. His strong passion for kinetic art and optics fuelled in him the desire to create an artwork made of geometric, regular shapes that move and infuse irregular sensations and deceptive feelings, in an attempt to allure the eye of the watcher. By playing with colour, shape and perspective in a completely personal way, Ronni approaches every canvas with different tools such as tape, stencils, or anything else that could help him break structural rules.


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Ronni Squizzato In The Studio

Out Of Frame was born to free the elements of colour and shape from their conventional and often constricting frame. Here volume and shape expand in space, creating an optical illusion where time doesn’t exist. The twisted game between perspective and geometry is a provocative way to express a colourful and at times hazardous insight into the artist's need to escape from restrictions.

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More About Ronni Squizzato

Question IconWhat inspires you?

The human feelings and the relation with Geometry

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

pencil&paper , graphic color test , 3d prototype , wood cut , acrylic paint

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?


Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

The list would be incredibly long and diverse but I must mention master Franco Grignani for his concepts, Paul Kremer for the colours and Darel Carey for the use of tape.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?


Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

"Never Give Up , have fun and be Honest, all the time " from my uncle Dino Squizzato

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

observation , meditation , from inner feelings and human behavior