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Artist Name

Sabine Kay

Born: 1964

Hometown: Hamburg

Based in: Luxembourg

To paint is my passion and I love to create my contemporary abstract oil paintings with whom I hope to reach the hearts of the people and make them happy.
Born in Hamburg, Germany, I’m living now in Luxembourg for more than 20 years. I’m mostly a self-taught artist and in the beginning, I worked realistically, but learned over the years that in abstract art I can better express myself. So, today more or less all my works are abstract paintings.
These abstract landscapes reflect my love for nature and all it’s beautiful colours, textures, and patterns. Each piece is inspired by this nature – it could be a walk on the beach or in the forest, the memories I have of places I’ve visited on my travels and the colours which have impressed me there.
I love to experiment with colours, as colours are important to me, because they can show the full range of human emotions and experiences. My expressive style is based on the wish to create a fine balance of nature’s elements and to reach beauty in the contrasting forces we find everywhere. The creative process during a painting is an interplay between accuracy and intuitive impulses, that I do with lines and thin splashes of paint with the spatula, which give every work its characteristic touch.
Painting means to me to create something by myself that reflects my impression of nature and its many and always changing colours. The process is as important as the subject to me. I want to bring joy to other people just by looking at my works and losing themselves in the colour. The dialogue between the different colours could inspire the viewers to reflect and to bring something of themselves – their imagination- to make the painting complete.


Sabine Kay In The Studio

“I love to create art, and with my contemporary abstract oil paintings, I hope to reach the hearts of the viewers and make them happy.” "I think everything is possible in art, and that is why abstract painting in particular provides space for the viewer and the painter to bring their imagination and thoughts into it."

main image

More About Sabine Kay

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Nature, beautiful landscapes, colours, photos

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My expressive technique is based on my wish to achieve balance and to reach beauty in the contrasting forces that exist everywhere. The creative process during a painting is an interplay between accuracy and intuitive impulses, like my thin splashes of paint with the spatula, which give every work its characteristic touch.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Emotional, expressive, harmonious

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Gerhard Richter, Joan Mitchell, Willem de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler AND Monet, Van Gogh

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Palette Knife, Hands, sponge for the ground layer

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Nature, Museum

Collections Featuring Sabine Kay

1 Collection

Celebrating Artists in Germany

Celebrating Artists in Germany

24 Artists, 36 Products

Last updated: November 28, 2020