Sal Ponce-Enrile
Hometown: Makati City
Based in: Philippines
For Sal Ponce Enrile , art is an agent of transformation . For many years Ponce-Enrile occupied a prominent public post in her native Philippines, serving her people with dedication. Painting gives expression to her vulnerable, personal self. Yet Ponce Enrile also views her art as embodying the resiliency and vibrancy of her people.
Sal creates complex abstract compositions, using mixed media, and a variety of textures. Many of her paintings are blurred out or grayed over like memories of a forgotten era. Working primarily in acrylic and mixed media on canvas, her brushstrokes look more like scribbles on a chalkboard, lightly hovering against a dark background. In other pieces, she uses bold definitive marks that jump out at the viewer, creating moments of contrast and tension in the frame. She likens her work to controlled chaos where an overall cohesive effect unites an array of bright and energetic brushstrokes. This sense of unity permeates her work, bringing together a range of different styles and techniques under one roof.
“Exposing one’s self through art is very liberating—it gives permission to vulnerability. Art comforts the senses and purges them from unwanted tensions.”
“Painting is a form of self-expression and exploration while achieving a higher purpose in the process. It is not merely recreation nor reflection but driven by a passion to make sense of this creative energy by using it as an instrument to pursue a more meaningful mission which is to continue my advocacy of helping others.”
More About Sal Ponce-Enrile
What inspires you?
I am inspired by the hopes and dreams of the less fortunate people I encounter. And because of this, the proceeds from my work go to the various charities I support.
Describe your creative process.
My creative process begins with intuition. I usually paint what comes from within. My process requires that I don’t overthink or get too technical, otherwise this limits my creativity which in turn controls me. I want the full freedom to express my self and to reveal what lies beneath the unconscious. On the other hand, I control the amount of chaos and where I feel the focus of the energy and activity in certain parts of my work should be.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Controlled color chaos.
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Odilon Redon, Wilfredo Lam, Georgia O'Keeffe, Wassily Kandisky.