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Artist Name

Sara Richardson Artist

Hometown: Richmond

Based in: Virginia

Sara Richardson is a professional contemporary artist. Her art is a visual homage to the natural world, paying tribute to its beauty and capturing its powerful ties to our humanity. She explores the emotional aspect of this relationship, by creating expressive, high-contrast and gestural works that invite viewers to discover their own interpretations and connections to nature / human nature.


Sara Richardson Artist In The Studio

“ work seeks endless reverence…reflects homage, love and hopefulness. However, you can not have a complete understanding of joy without sadness; happiness without sorrow or beauty without roughness. There’s always this tiny sprinkle or thread of the contrasting emotions in my work to bring the spirit into the foreground…this is what makes the artworks move, appear poetic and feel authentic.”

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More About Sara Richardson Artist

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Environments, life, conflict, literature, humor and of course...humanity

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

Thoughtful, intentional but I leave a door open for the unexpected so the work is not forced and allowed to breathe.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Painterly, gestural, impassioned

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Leon Golub, Velazquez, Rodin, Hanneline Røgeberg, Cindy Sherman, David Park and many many more

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My hands. Lol. Everything in my studio is equally important. It all matters to me.

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

There is more to art...than just making art. Don't suffer, starve and bleed for your art. Make sure you live fully in AND outside of the studio.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Referencing new and past experiences. The natural world, watching, noticing and taking it all in.

Collections Featuring Sara Richardson Artist

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