Licznerski’s bold, gestural, and sensitively refined works set delicate tensions between repeated action and consequence. Surfaces are progressively manipulated through controlled transactions of silence and noise - holding and concealing until a new language emerges.
He is influenced by the situational navigation of urban fabrics, censorship, the theatre of existence, and the beautiful accidents our cities subconsciously spew. Licznerski's distant background in architecture now translates to strategies of abstraction.
Recurring themes in his work explore preoccupations with limits, duality, trace, and the non-intentional. Licznerski’s practise is about process: exploring, interpretation, and response. In our immediately accessible, throw-away cultures, it approaches the redirection of focus and permanence to hold intrigue and alter thought.
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Scott Licznerski In The Studio
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Action and consequence
Thirdbase Residency
The Eaton Award
For Kev and Scott, Ltd Ink Corporation
Scotland, 2020
Perhaps We Should Have Stayed, Warbling/Hoxton 253