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Septian Harriyoga

Born: 1977

Hometown: Jakarta

Based in: Bandung

Septian Harriyoga is an artist born in Jakarta on 4 September 1977. He currently resides in Bandung, West Java. He completed his education at the Sculpture Department, Faculty of Art and Design, ITB in 2004. His sculptures are made from andesite stone, steel, aluminum, and duralumin. He places great emphasis on the process of creation, an important aspect of the workshop/studio tradition. He very much enjoys the process of cleaving stones, cutting duralumin, shaping them, smoothing and polishing them. Thus, his sculptures appear highly refined, but at the same time still playing with many form-related associations. In addition to sparking a variety of interpretations, these forms become part of Septian's explorations into kinetic art, a genre that is currently drawing the interest of Indonesia's contemporary artists. Light and levitated forms, and forms replete with curves but devoid of angles; they imply that certain forces are at work in his sculptures.

His solo exhibitions are: “Putih” (lit. White), Edwin's Gallery at the Jakarta Art District, Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, Jakarta (2011); and “Minimalis/Maximalis”, Galeri Lontar, Jakarta (2007). Meanwhile, some group exhibitions he has participated in are: “Ekspansi”, Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta (2011); Indonesian kinetic art exhibition, “Motion/Sensation”, Edwin's Gallery, Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, Jakarta (2011); “Pose Historia”, Vanessa Art Link, Enterprise One Building, Singapore (2010); “CIGE 2009”, Koong Gallery, Beijing, China (2009); “Manifesto”, Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta (2008); “Keramik untuk Kartini” (Ceramics for Kartini), Galeri Soemardja, Bandung (2000).

In addition to creating sculptures, Septian Harriyoga also creates photographic works to strenghten his sculptures.


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