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Artist Name

Sevil Ahmadian

Born: 1995

Hometown: Mashhad

Based in: Mashhad

Sevil Ahmadian is a contemporary Iranian artist with a master’s degree in visual communication. Her artworks are entirely original and showcase a unique abstract style inspired by Persian carpet motifs. The influence of historical Persian motifs is evident in her creations, as she paints inspiration from their composition and coloring to create abstract textures. Authentic Persian motifs have always been her main source of inspiration. Sevil brings her purpose, mission, and concept to life by immortalizing them on vibrant canvases using geometric shapes, simple abstracted Persian motifs, and high contrast nature color combinations. Her spontaneous style reflects her thoughts, insights, and the simplified abstract nature of her life.

Sevil’s educations background in graphic art has played a significant role in her development of visual literacy and abstract art. In fact, the composition and order of her paintings often remind viewers of graphic art.

Sevil was born in Mashhad, Iran in 1995 to Iranian parents. However, her place of residence is not limited to Iran. She is on a journey to discover the truth of her existence and the world, seeking independence and artistic responsibilities. Through her works, she showcases authentic Iranian art and shares her mentality, purpose, and deep feelings with people from all around the world.


More About Sevil Ahmadian

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Persian motifs

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

The influence of historical Iranian motifs is evident in my creations, as I am inspired by their composition and coloring to create abstract textures.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

abstract, Persian motifs, geometric forms

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Wassily Kandinsky

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

canvas, acrylic color

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Be yourself to create amazing works!

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

I look around at the Persian carpets surrounding me!



Master of Visual Communication from Ferdows University of Mashhad

Iran, 2019

Bachelor of Visual Communication from Ferdows University of Mashhad

Iran, 2017

Graduated in Graphic design from Al-Zahra University of Mashhad

Iran, 2015


• Participated in a group exhibition “Color and Life” / Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute

Iran, 2019

• Participated in a group exhibition “Nezareh” at Melal cultural Center

Iran, 2019

• Participated in a group illustration exhibition “Visual Experiences” / Tavan Yaban Mashhad Complex

Iran, 2015

• Participated in a group exhibition of illustration “Where I have not traveled” / Artin Gallery

Iran, 2013