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Artist Name

Sonia Ben Achoura

Born: 1975

Hometown: Paris

Based in: London, United Kingdom

Sonia Ben Achoura was born in Paris, France. Having travelled extensively, she settled in the UK. A self-taught artist and psychologist, she was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci from an early age. Art and science converge in her paintings, manifesting in insightful explorations of mind and nature. Her career in fine art spans over two decades, with a distinctive body of work characterised by a vivid chromatic palette, a detailed execution, and a futuristic edge.

Sonia focuses predominantly on geometric abstraction. An elaborate art vocabulary allows her to bring to life powerful conceptualisations of mental phenomena, informed by thorough research and synthesised through visionary imagination. These manifest in psychological icons, blueprints of the mind in a wide variety of media. Sonia’s intuitive style emanates from a meditative place. As a result, her paintings often incorporate figurative elements in her abstract works, giving rise to atmospheric compositions.

Sonia regularly exhibits her work at galleries and art fairs in Europe. She sells her paintings internationally.


Sonia Ben Achoura In The Studio

French artist and psychologist Sonia Ben Achoura generates works of art at the intersection between art and science. Like intimations of perfection, her paintings are born out of an interplay between light and colour. She creates a world of vivid colour, dynamic forms, and geometric perfection as she weaves organic forms over the fabric of robotic geometry.

main image

More About Sonia Ben Achoura

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Science, sacred geometry and meditation

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

Intuitive and transcendental

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Timeless, spiritual, unique

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Leonardo da Vinci, Hilma Af Klint

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

paint and light

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Follow your intuition

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Meditation, books, nature, sacred geometry

Collections Featuring Sonia Ben Achoura

4 Collections

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