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Artist Name

Sougwen Chung

Hometown: Canada

Based in: New York, London, or Basel

Sougwen Chung (鍾愫君) is an interdisciplinary artist whose work explores transitional edges. Her artistic practice spans installation, sculpture, still image, drawing, and performance, informing her multi-faceted approach to experiential art.Canadian-born, Chinese-raised Sougwen Chung graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design and received a Diploma in Interactive Art from Hyper Island, Sweden, before taking up residency in New York. Chung’s work iterates on the expressive agency of form catalyzed with software, sound, light, and space. Her installations involve multiple layers of light on intricate structures, taking a variety of media and transforming it into spacial experiences.


Articles Featuring Sougwen Chung

1 Article