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Artist Name

Steven Edwards

Born: 1976

Hometown: London

Based in: London

Steven Edwards is a Ceramic Artist based in London. Hi work investigates the language of making through the materiality and physicality of clay. Fascinated by process-led making, he uses traditional techniques that provoke unanticipated outcomes, using clay as a medium that sustains the narrative of the making process. The resulting forms embody his interaction and manipulation of the clay using bespoke tools to explore the intrinsic properties of the material.

His creative practice starts by purposely placing clay under stress to reveal the natural tension and movement in its surface and form. Throughout the whole making process, he pushes, pulls, compresses and slices the material to provoke a reaction. The final forms are a combination of these making scenarios, translating a theme of duality in their appearance – the contrast of visual distortion and precision, the stillness and movement in form and the surface deception between synthetic and natural. His aim is to share the material/maker relationship with the viewer by creating artworks that display a common theme of construction, drawing attention to the implied movement recorded by the clay through handling it over a period of time.

Edwards has exhibited his work at premiere contemporary ceramic shows including the British Ceramics Biennial, London Craft Week, Paris Design Week and Homo Faber in Venice.


Steven Edwards In The Studio

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More About Steven Edwards

Question IconWhat inspires you?

I find inspiration from primary experiences, where ideas germinate from every aspect of day to day life, such as observing form and exploring materials within analogue and digital settings.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

The recurring creative process of my work involves a cycle of hand skilled techniques through touch, followed by destructive actions using specific tools. From sketchbook to final forms I explore processes that push, pull, compress and slice the medium to provoke a reaction – enabling scenarios to build from or record a moment in time.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Process - Materiality - Animated

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Akiyama Yo, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Duchamp

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Sketch book – this is where all aspects of my practice are created, developed and pondered.

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Be persistent with your ideas

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Art and object history. Contemporary art, craft and theory. Everyday analogue and digital observations.

Collections Featuring Steven Edwards

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MA Ceramics – University for the Creative Arts

United Kingdom, 2018


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Homo Faber

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