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Artist Name

Takahashi Daisuke

Born: 1980

Hometown: Saitama

Based in: Saitama

TAKAHASHI Daisuke was born in Saitama, Japan in 1980. He majored in Fine Arts painting in Tokyo Zokei University and graduated in 2005. After his graduation, Takahashi set up a studio in this hometown in Saitama where he continues to produce art.

When he was in collage he applied paint to his own body and rolled on a piece of blue sheet creating an expressive action piece of art. He paints abstract using mainly acrylic paint and it was when he first started using oil paint that he began a new series of technique and style.

This new technique allows Takahashi to experiment with layering vibrant coloured oil paint making textures on his canvases, building thick impasto creating paintings with a sense of depth. Takahashi spreads, smears and mix the colours spontaneously, unrestrictedly allowing the colours to overlap to the edge of his canvas. Gradually, the flat surface of the canvas, transform to a palette of vivid three-dimensional clash of colours. As viewers observes the art pieces in details, one will notice the subtle touches of concealing and revealing of the colours, narrating Takahashi’s expressions.


Collections Featuring Takahashi Daisuke

1 Collection

The Zen of Contemporary Japanese Art

The Zen of Contemporary Japanese Art

27 Artists, 46 Products

Last updated: September 20, 2024