Hometown: Buenos Aires
Based in: Switzerland
Hometown: Buenos Aires
Based in: Switzerland
Virginia Garcia Costa is an Argentinian artist based in Switzerland. Virginia produces wall sculptures inspired by elements of nature. The way Virginia arranges her materials into what looks like a surface of drips or water flow makes her wall sculptures' style truly unique. The different perspectives of the bark pieces give a peaceful sense of harmony and modern aesthetics. When viewed slightly askance, the perpendicular lines give the piece a fresh and calm sense of three-dimensionality.
Public and private collectors in Europe, the US, Canada, Asia, South America and Middle East have bought her work.
What inspires you?
Nature. Forest. Music. Touching moments.
Describe your creative process.
A magnificent forest near home inspires me on my work. Just like in nature, every little piece is important for the entire artwork. I choose and prepare them gently. I make my works with care and love at every step.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Nature. Forest. Minimalism
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Antoni Gaudi.
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
My inner voice
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Never stop putting your ideas into practice.
Where do you go for inspiration?
Natural landscape, forest, lake, but also memories
Shortlisted for the Rise Art Prize London, UK
Suisse-Arte Kunstförderpreis, BPS SUISSE, Basel
kunst(t)raum.12, Bern, Switzerland
First place, 20. Arte Binningen, Basel, Switzerland
"Evento Cultural", at the Argentine Embassy in Switzerland
Switzerland, 2023
Galerie O
Switzerland, 2023
The Other Art Fair - Virtual Edition, May 23 - June 5, 2022
United Kingdom, 2022
The Other Art Fair - Virtual Edition
United States of America, 2021