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Artist Name

Vicente Aguado

Born: 1980

Hometown: Valencia

Based in: Valencia

Vicente Aguado (Valencia, SPAIN, 1980), has a degree in Art and a master in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In 2017 he moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. "All my work revolves around the imagery from the popular culture and mass media. I am very interested in the world of conspiracies, deep state and politics, inexplicable events and social control tools. I try to include a certain amount of humor and criticism. I am specialized in drawing and I usually work with recycled materials, mixed media and high quality limited edition prints”. In 2021 he moved back to Spain, were he lives and works.


Vicente Aguado In The Studio

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More About Vicente Aguado

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Almost everything I found in my daily basis life, from personal experiencies to TV news, Internet, movies... but always looking for the "hide" side of the things.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I do not ever make sketches. I do not ever think before action. I work with the deep sense of experience and intuition. And watching close what I´m doing, listening and feeling.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Funny, easy and different.

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Charles Burns, Francis Bacon, Robert Crumb, Neo Rauch... but also new contemporary artists as Cleon Peterson, Katsu, Tender J...

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Markers!!! Does not matter it ink or acrylic, but I need them!!!

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Don´t stop creating and focus only in that you want.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

In my case, inspiration comes when I´m out of the studio, so anyplace out from there works. You can find inspiration even in a parking ticket.

Collections Featuring Vicente Aguado

1 Collection

Maximalist Artworks for Your Space

Maximalist Artworks for Your Space

64 Artists, 81 Products

Last updated: October 5, 2023