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Artist Name

Wout Morael

Born: 1954

Hometown: Antwerp (B)

Based in: Caixas (F)

Wout Morael makes inspiring photographs. His eccentric vision of the world, displayed in pictures of unusual dimensions, gives his works of art a puzzling radiance. The contemplation of his photographs is an endless experience.
His panoramic photos strike a vivid note and transform dull space into a lively affair.
An unmeasurable force results from the combination of different components - living proof that 1 and 1 are 2, or even more. This power may appear to you as inspiring, or not.
You are encouraged to keep an open mind on the photograph and its different elements in order to enjoy the same pleasure that Morael felt when creatin g his work.
Once you are tuned in you will realise that the picture was made specially for you and it will start to lead its own life and, slowly, become part of your world.


Wout Morael In The Studio

Here is my studio in the South of France. Where there are more wild boars than people.

main image

More About Wout Morael

Question IconWhat inspires you?

My soul is my greatest source of inspiration

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

This process is a battle with myself. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I don't win. But I am never - or always - the loser.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Intriguing, confrontational, inspiring

Collections Featuring Wout Morael

1 Collection

F1 Inspired Artworks

F1 Inspired Artworks

23 Artists, 31 Products

Last updated: September 16, 2024