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Xiao He

Hometown: Chengdu

Based in: California

Originally from China and currently living and working in California, Xiao He is a multidisciplinary artist with focus on painting and visual communication design. Xiao He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a master's degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Xiao is a member of the Oil Painters of America association. Her artworks focus on feminism, body and garments, and the cultural conflicts between the East and the West. Xiao’s works have been exhibited internationally, including the 2021 Genova Di Biennale(Genova, Italy), 2022 Art Capital(Paris, France), Upstream Gallery(New York, USA), and Barcelona International Art Fair. Her web design work On the Road has received GDUSA American Inhouse Design Award, and her mixed media artists’ book A Collection of Random Thoughts is now part of the permanent collection of Joan Flasch Artists’ Book collection in Chicago.


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More About Xiao He

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Being a woman artist from China living in the U.S.A., my life experiences inform my art practice which revolves around juxtapositions and encounters. Mostly, exploring the relationship between the body and the space, in my paintings, organic, body-like shapes inhabit worlds made of geometric architectures.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

vivd, fluid, flat

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

The vivid palette derived from the French Fauvist Henri Matisse coexists on my canvas with the multi-perspective geometries inspired by the New Zealand Cubism artist Louise Henderson, pushing the boundaries of western art history and exploring new aesthetics.



Biennale di Genova

Italy, 2021